5 Effective Design Elements Every Explainer Video Should Have

Mohammed Al Mamun
7 min readJun 24, 2022


Image credit: Mango Animate

There is a reason why video marketing is taking off right now. It’s the most intimate form of communication and also the most engaging. When people see a video, they can recall 95 percent of the information. However, if you read text, you’ll only be able to remember 10% of it. So, if written content is what you’re doing to promote your business, your potential customers only take in 10% of your message.

Then there’s the popularity of social media, which is why content marketers are experimenting with a diverse range of explainer videos to get their products or services in front of potential customers. In addition, high-quality animated explainer videos make complicated concepts digestible and engaging. Besides, they can show off the product in an interesting, engaging way without being too salesy.

Here are five design elements every explainer video must have during production to ensure the content is inspiring, engaging, and drives results.

1. An Explainer Video Has a Purpose

The first step is to ensure that your explainer video has a purpose. This means that before you start the production process, you need to know what the goal of the video is. For example, are you trying to increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your website, or generate leads? Once you know the purpose of the video, you can start thinking about the design elements that will make it successful.

There is no denying that a good story is essential for a successful explainer video. After all, if your video doesn’t tell a story that engages viewers, why would they watch it? A good story has a beginning, middle, and end, and it’s imperative to ensure that your video tells a complete story. In addition, the story should be relevant to your brand and offer something valuable to viewers.

When it comes to video length, shorter is generally preferable. People’s attention spans are at an all-time low. A video that is less than 90 seconds has more chance of being watched all the way through than a video that is longer. In addition, shorter videos are more shareable on social media.

The script is one of the most essential elements of an explainer video. After all, the script will determine the story you’re trying to tell. Therefore, the best scripts are concise, engaging, and relevant to the brand. In addition, they should be written in a language that is easy to understand.

When choosing the right voiceover for your explainer video, it’s important to consider both the video’s tone and the target audience. In addition, it should be catchy and memorable.

However, the most important part is your explainer video should offer a solution to a problem that your target audience is facing. When someone’s problems are acknowledged, they tend to like it. Customers are more likely to listen to what you say if they believe you understand their issues. So, address your client’s problem in the opening thirty seconds of your video. Use the remaining minutes of the video to illustrate how your organization solves the problem.

2. Define Your Audience

Your audience are people who are interested in learning about how to solve a problem. The primary purpose of an explainer video is to educate your target audience on a particular topic, product, or service. To do this effectively, you need to define your target audience and produce content that is relevant to them. When determining your target audience, it’s important to consider factors such as age, gender, location, and interests. For example, if you’re in the technology industry, you might want to consider a more straightforward and informative tone. On the other hand, if you’re in the fashion industry, you might want to go for a more creative and artistic style.

Image Credit: Motionvillee

3. Use Visuals To Enhance Your Explainer Videos

Visuals help to reinforce the message of the video. When it comes to visuals, there are a few things to keep in mind — it’s important to choose high-quality visuals that are relevant to the story you’re trying to tell. In addition, the visuals should be consistent with your brand’s overall message and, most importantly, should not overwhelm it. For instance, if there is too much text or many different colors, it will be difficult for viewers to focus on the message of the video. Furthermore, the animations should concentrate on the key points of the story and should be used to highlight the most critical information. Remember, an explainer video is not a sales pitch. Instead, it’s an opportunity to educate your target audience on a particular topic, product, or service. So, use highlights, colors, and animations sparingly.

Now, finding a team of full-time animators and graphic designers who are a good fit for your brand is a luxury many businesses can’t afford. If you’re working with a limited budget, there are companies that specialize in explainer video production and the know-how to create visuals that will engage your audience and leave a lasting impression.

4. Communicate Your Brand

Make sure your video emphasizes who you are. Your brand should come through in all of the animations and descriptions. After all, not only are you attempting to convey your message but advertising yourself.

Just listing the features or benefits of your product or service is playing it too safe. Instead, go for an approach that is more relatable and interesting. Remember the old adage, “show, don’t tell.” This is especially important when it comes to explainer videos. Instead of just telling your audience what your product or service does, show them how it works through creative visuals and storytelling. People want to know how things impact them.

Give an example of how your product might be used. Demonstrate how your service allows them to be more empowered. Instead of saying something like, “A 4*4 SUV is a better car”, say something like, “In your 4*4 SUV, you can feel safe on any terrain and never have to worry about being stranded.” The overall tone of your video should come across as confident without seeming arrogant.

The visuals, animations, characters, and script should reflect your company’s personality. Use the visual aspect to your advantage, such as adding your brand colors and font styles in your illustrations or including your company’s logo in the video.

5. Clear CTAs Are Essential No Matter How Great Your Video Is

Explainer videos are a great way to increase conversions and sales. But, for them to be effective, you need to include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your video. Your CTA should be clear and concise so that viewers know exactly what you want them to do. It should also be relevant to your story and the product or service you’re selling.

For instance, if you’re selling a new software program, your CTA might be “Download our free trial today!” If you’re promoting a service or product, your CTA could be something like, “Sign up for our newsletter to get exclusive discounts and updates!”

When crafting your call-to-action, it’s crucial to create a sense of urgency. This will prompt viewers to take action right away instead of putting it off until later. For instance, you might want to include a time limit or offer a discount for taking action. It will help increase the likelihood that viewers will take the desired action. However, don’t create a fake sense of urgency, as this will only frustrate viewers and make them less likely to take action.

For example, if you’re giving out a free eBook, a CTA like “act now, or you’ll miss your free eBook” makes little sense as the eBook will still be free tomorrow. So instead, try something like “download your free eBook now while supplies last!” This creates a sense of urgency without being misleading.

As previously mentioned, your CTA should match your video’s style, tone, and message. If you’re selling a luxury product, your CTA might be different than if you were selling a more affordable product. For example, a luxury car company might use a CTA like “schedule a test drive today!” while an affordable car company might use something like “find your nearest dealership!”

In certain situations, a heartfelt voiceover from a known narrator may entice viewers to take action. On the other hand, a button surrounded by sleek graphics might appeal to a different target audience. Test different CTAs to see what works best for you and your brand.


There you have it — these design elements are critical for an explainer video that converts. An explainer video is a powerful marketing tool that can help increase conversions and sales. However, they need to be done right for them to be effective. That means including a strong story, amazing visuals, and a clear call to action. The goal is to keep the video consistent with your company’s personality and brand while remaining focused on the project objectives. If you keep all this in mind, you’ll have a greater chance of creating an explainer video that stands out and drives results.

So what else do you think is essential for an explainer video that converts? Let us know in the comments below!



Mohammed Al Mamun

Writer✍🏼 Audiophile 🎶 👾 Gym Lover 💪🏼 Gadget Freak 📱 Get in touch @ www.mywordes.com