We’re not lazy but lack motivation

Mohammed Al Mamun
4 min readMay 31, 2021


The most common reason we fail to achieve our objectives is that we are not strongly motivated.

I came across an interesting article about fitness the other day. Even though I’ve cut down my poor daily exercise routine (which has only resulted in a few extra inches around my waist), I always have a passion for fitness. Anyways, the subject of debate was motivation. Many individuals misunderstand or disregard this basic yet often overlooked notion.

It was interesting. I came away with two new ideas, and I was relieved to be able to offer my two cents on how they might benefit my fellow experts, especially creative people like me who are on the verge of burnout all of the time.

Extrinsic Motivation and Intrinsic Motivation

Let’s go back to what I was saying — yes, let’s talk about motivation. Motivational power may be strong, yet it can be perplexing for us simpletons! The article (I will share the link below so you can read the whole piece) talked about two kinds of motivation: extrinsic motivation and intrinsic motivation.

I’ve heard many of you know the terms I mentioned, but I believe that most of you are still confused about what they all mean. OK, wait a minute — I’ll try to clarify things for you.

See, extrinsic motivation is inspired by a desire for external rewards. It’s the type of prize that comes from the outside. It has nothing to do with personal gratification or success, such as obtaining a regular high-paying profession after graduation, receiving a birthday present because it bears our name even though we didn’t have the opportunity, or putting out the effort to choose what was inside (which seems rather pathetic).

Extrinsic motivators for people who do not experience pleasure in achievement but instead desire something tangible as a reward at the end. These could be anything from money to presents to glory, a raise at work, or a promotion, all of which might be wonderful, if you choose one aim above all others. In other words, when there’s no uncertainty about what will make us happy, extrinsic motivations are ideal.

On the other hand, intrinsic motivation is inherently rewarding. Achieving something on your own is a rewarding feeling. A person’s intrinsic motivation makes them feel good about themselves and their accomplishments, which can be achieved in many different ways, from education to hobbies. People will still enjoy performing an activity for its own sake, even if the end result or desired outcome is irrelevant, because they have a natural urge to put out the effort on their own.

The point is, for some people, the process of obtaining a goal involves more than just getting money, a raise, a title, or any other tangible perks. The accomplishment of those objectives may be as mundane as vacuuming your living room floor or as grand as saving an injured animal from certain death.

You may be motivated and inspired to achieve your life goals if you’re only driven by external motivation — but you might not always love working for them. The only thing that may keep you going is your objective. It may be that promotion, a new account, a new title at work, a new car — whatever it is. But, what happens after you have achieved your goal?

Ask yourself, do you still feel motivated to continue with your journey? Most people who have achieved their goals and done away with their bucket list tend to give up once they reach their goal(s). However, they tend to overlook the joy of their journey to personal success and pleasure due to this.

Alternatively, if your motivation comes from within, you will be motivated to reach your life goals simply because you like doing the work that will get you there. You continue working out of enthusiasm for what you do because your interests compel you, and your body and mind respond to them.

The desire to do what you love is one of the most effective reasons for undertaking anything. Even if the results aren’t what you had imagined or when they are delayed, you continue because doing so gives you internal pleasure.

The purpose of this example isn’t to tell you what type of motivation you should pursue — it’s all about contrasting external and internal motivation. It all comes down, as the writers succinctly put it.

Extrinsic motivation is about ‘why you need to work,’ while intrinsic motivation is all ‘why you want to work.’



Mohammed Al Mamun

Writer✍🏼 Audiophile 🎶 👾 Gym Lover 💪🏼 Gadget Freak 📱 Get in touch @ www.mywordes.com